Join EXPodcast as they explore the realm of the Dragon Age games!  With the help of Marc and Amanda Osborne, we will explore the deep depths of this wacky fantasy RPG! WARNING! Some hard opinions and heavy fandom are ahead.  Get your short sword out and sit back, its going to be one hell of a ride, in EXPODCAST EPISODE 4 ELDER SCROLLS: DRAGON AGE: THE RECKONING EPISODE 4!  Also dragons.


Follow these beautiful people!


Leon Sibulkin – Instagram: @cheetos_cereal


Amanda Osborne – theskullgarden.com

       Instagram: @ruedanger

       Twitter: @featherfracture


Marc Osborne – cargocollective.com/marcosborne

 Instagram: @Marc_III

 Twitter: @marcthethird

 Tumblr: marctheblog.com


Sakda “Grant” Srikoetkhruen – sakda-sounds.com


Michael Foxx – Soundcloud: ambassador-foxx

Youtube: RedmageFoxx

Twitter: @AmbassadorFoxx

Links to follow along to on this episode!


Choose my own adventure

I don’t think this is the dragonian they were talking about but whateva

I’ve never even heard of this game

Bronies are weird

Here’s an entire list of mlp games

This game is a whole different games now

It’s dragon time baby

“Like tieflings but with cool horns”

Lot of lore here

These losers are afraid of the sky lol


Sweet guitar riffs

Everyone’s gay for The Iron Bull

Only 90’s kids will get this

Be gone ye demon!

Itssa dwagon

Welcome to the black plague

God Howard and his never ending Skyrim journey

A great place to be, not really

THE vampire slayer

GOOD animation

Beautiful voice man

Merrill is number 1 wife

This is one of those real gamers games

Hey look an actual good rpg series (jk)

Premier full frontal nudity gameplay

Premier beach volleyball experience

The greatest man alive

Get beat in the land down under

Make your choices NOW!

“Just look at her”

Marc you have good tastes

Dis gurl crazy

She could stomp on me and that would be ok

Marc just lost all of our followers

Grant also has good tastes

The best class

Who’s the warden? You ask?

All great except for minecraft

I hope you like QTEs

This dudes a poopy butthole

Hey look its Satan

Welcome to pretty much hell

100% not gay

How can you not love this guy

Too cute for words

And now we have no more DA fans

She ROCKS :))))))

Ghost boy

Lots of stuff to check out for DA

Everybody gay for this man

An actual ghost

The company to make this game went bankrupt

Also another rpg that’s better than DA

Fuck yeah this is a good mmo

Indiana Jones for the new generation

This is the Planet Fun is a fun place to be plug

Ass Defect

Dragon Age news for all the fans that we no longer have

Video game card games

This looks just like hearthstone but japanese

For mages eyes only

Lotsa great stuff here


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