EXPodcast Episode 7: Puzzle Games



Fallow EXPodcast while it joins Matt and Nick through the fun and enthralling world of Tetris and puzzle games!  Not only will we touch on some of the coolest puzzle games ever made, we will also be chatting about some of the more obscure games in the genre.  We have some damn good stories and some fun antics so make sure to join us in this brick breaking adventure!


Follow these beautiful people!


Leon Sibulkin – Instagram: @cheetos_cereal


Matt Bixler – Qwilman.com

       Instagram: @quil_man


Nick Foronda – Twitter: @BenosDiasBuggy

Instagram: @waifu_5_laifu

Tumblr: arcus-caeruleum


Sakda “Grant” Srikoetkhruen – sakda-sounds.com


Michael Foxx – Soundcloud: ambassador-foxx

Youtube: RedmageFoxx

Twitter: @AmbassadorFoxx

Links to follow along to on this episode!


This is how you pull off a cut back drop turn

No lady boner

Lady boner

A good Russian game

The best card game, fuck that Yu-gi-oh shit

Fuck yeah Russians sure know how to make music

This is papa Tetris

I found the cringiest picture for the 4th of July

This game is my fuckin jam

It’s the attack of the Tetris

Buy your own portal gun here

Subway puzzles

Mobile Tetris is bad

Very fun mobile puzzle also on the 3ds



Number 3

Man this was a real game

The game is done, game over

The realest pokemon game you’ve ever played

The best rpg puzzler you’ve never played

It’s a Kirby puzzle game PUYO!

This Tetris is honestly so good

The leaders of the Tetris world

Its Tetris for the DS


Tetris and Anime, Anime and Tetris. What more could you want

A really weird history

With Russia With Love

You can buy this neat book here

Witness this game 🙂

You’re a cool ass ghost

Antichamber makes my head hurt

Catherine or Katherine?

1 player 2 controllers, what a pro

It’s like street fighter with puzzles

Some of the best escape the room games

Lotsa random games here

The flash portal sight of 2006

MArio fights Danky Kang

You guy remember Tokio Hotel? Well this has nothing to do with them

Cyndaquil is the best of the Gen 2 starters fucking fight me

Happy Birthday Grant!

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